Specialty craft shop in Auckland, New Zealand / 09 574 5381




I love this thread! Admittedly I haven't used any alternative Sashiko threads, but I have been using this Olympus thread for a Sashiko stitched bomber jacket, chipping away at it over the last year, and it's just been a pleasure to use. Being Sashiko thread it feels really strong, and I haven't had any issues with tangling or snagging, it just slips through the layers of fabric really nicely. I love the range of colours, and that there are some quite subtle, slightly subdued options. This lets you get a more traditional or historical feel if that's what a project calls for, which in Sashiko will probably often be the case. I'll be using this for many more projects I'm sure! (I've actually just started experimenting with bleaching for a speckled/variegated effect, and I'm really pleased so far!)

- Tobias

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